Welcome to Lions Financial, a premier business consulting firm specializing in risk management and capital markets services. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping companies achieve their growth and success goals through expert guidance in areas such as business planning, investment risk solutions, succession strategies, and complex enterprise insurance design

In addition to these services, we also assist our clients in securing institutional growth capital through a variety of options, including working capital facilities, asset-based loans, term loans, subordinate debt, growth equity, and venture capital.

Risk Management​

We work with companies to perform analysis and offer advice focusing on Enterprise Complex Insurance Design, and Investment Risk Solutions.

Business Consulting​

We provide guidance to help clients with Business Planning, Succession Strategies, Executive Compensations, and Enterprise Technology.

Capital Markets​

We help clients by working on Business Valuation, Corporate Due Diligence, Mergers & Acquisitions, Business Sales and obtaining Financing.

We are an advisory firm specialized in four financial management disciplines. As a boutique firm we focus on collaborating with our clients and their various other trusted professionals to better orchestrate business management solutions on a holistic basis.


We help clients to identify the right financial strategy that leads to superior execution and security.


We support companies
to develop the optimal organizational structure and process.


We foster sustainable communications with clients to maintain long-term success for the growth of their business.


We partner with clients to implement actionable processes in information technology to support their business.

Four-Step SIRE© Process

A closed-loop, value-focused, four-step SIRE© work-process for each of our services:

Step 1: Survey

To better understand our client's needs, Lions Financial go through a business assessment process to comprehensively evaluate the current business situation. The specific issues and concerns need to be understood in a broader context to overcome the problems that they are currently facing. With this information, we can better understand what they would like to accomplish.

Step 2: Insight

With the business survey and market research, Lions Finalcial evaluate industry and economic factors that intertwine with the unique dynamics of current business needs. We identify the competency, resources, and skills required for multiple solutions and risk factors.

Step 3: Recommend

Utilizing the insights and customer input, Lions Financial provide the business stakeholders with a proposition for Tailor solutions customized to their business. We focus on accomplishing short term goals for the business to maintain long-term value. We layout the actionable planning required with the timeline and costs.

Step 4: Execute

Upon client consensus on the path to move forward, Lions Financial focus on facilitating the implementation of the strategy. We coordinate with company executives, Investment capital partners, legal teams, and tax professionals to ensure that all factors are considered.


Lions Financial's Team

Ariel Tavor


Keith Yagnik

Operating Partner - Business Consulting & Capital Markets

Ariel Serber

Director - Risk Management​

Michael Kikoz

Chief Technology Officer
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